Here is a list of animal names starting with R in Spanish. If you would like to see the complete list of animal names in Spanish you can go to the complete list page here.
Rana – Frog in Spanish
- La rana salta de hoja en hoja.
- The frog jumps from leaf to leaf.

Rata – Rat in Spanish
- La rata corre rápidamente por el callejón.
- The rat runs quickly through the alley.

Ratón – Mouse in Spanish
- El ratón se esconde en el agujero de la pared.
- The mouse hides in the wall hole.

Raya – Ray in Spanish
- La raya nada elegantemente en el océano.
- The ray swims gracefully in the ocean.

Reno – Reindeer in Spanish
- El reno tira del trineo de Santa Claus.
- The reindeer pulls Santa Claus’s sleigh.

Rinoceronte – Rhino in Spanish
- El rinoceronte se alimenta de hierbas en la sabana.
- The rhino grazes on herbs in the savanna.

Ruiseñor – Nightingale in Spanish
- El ruiseñor canta melodiosamente en el bosque.
- The nightingale sings melodiously in the forest.