Caballito de mar – Seahorse in Spanish
El caballito de mar es una criatura marina fascinante. (The seahorse is a fascinating marine creature.)

Caballo – Horse in Spanish
El caballo corre rápidamente en el prado. (The horse runs quickly in the meadow.)

Cabra – Goat in Spanish
La cabra pasta en el campo. (The goat grazes in the field.)

Cacatúa – Cockatoo in Spanish
La cacatúa es un loro tropical con una cresta distintiva. (The cockatoo is a tropical parrot with a distinctive crest.)

Caimán – Alligator/Caiman in Spanish
El caimán vive en zonas pantanosas. (The alligator lives in swampy areas.)

Calamar – Squid in Spanish
El calamar es una delicia en la cocina mediterránea. (Squid is a delicacy in Mediterranean cuisine.)

Camaleón – Chameleon in Spanish
El camaleón cambia de color para camuflarse. (The chameleon changes color to camouflage itself.)

Camarón/Gamba – Shrimp in Spanish
El camarón es un marisco sabroso. (Shrimp is a tasty seafood.)

Camello – Camel in Spanish
El camello es conocido por su resistencia en el desierto. (The camel is known for its endurance in the desert.)

Canario – Canary in Spanish
El canario canta melodiosamente en su jaula. (The canary sings melodiously in its cage.)

Cangrejo – Crab in Spanish
El cangrejo se mueve de lado a lado. (The crab moves from side to side.)

Canguro – Kangaroo in Spanish
El canguro tiene saltos largos y poderosos. (The kangaroo has long and powerful jumps.)

Capibara – Capybara in Spanish
La capibara es el roedor más grande del mundo. (The capybara is the largest rodent in the world.)

Caracol – Snail in Spanish
El caracol se desplaza lentamente por el jardÃn. (The snail moves slowly through the garden.)

Castor – Beaver in Spanish
El castor construye represas en los rÃos. (The beaver builds dams in rivers.)

Cebra – Zebra in Spanish
La cebra tiene un pelaje a rayas blanco y negro. (The zebra has black and white striped fur.)

Cerdo – Pig in Spanish
El cerdo disfruta revolcándose en el lodo. (The pig enjoys rolling in the mud.)

Chacal – Jackal in Spanish
El chacal es un depredador astuto en la sabana. (The jackal is a cunning predator in the savanna.)

Chimpancé – Chimpanzee in Spanish
El chimpancé comparte similitudes genéticas con los humanos. (The chimpanzee shares genetic similarities with humans.)

Chinche – Bedbug in Spanish
La chinche es una plaga doméstica molesta. (The bedbug is an annoying household pest.)

Ciempiés – Centipede in Spanish
El ciempiés tiene muchas patas y es ágil. (The centipede has many legs and is agile.)

Ciervo/Venado – Deer in Spanish
El ciervo pasta en el bosque. (The deer grazes in the forest.)

Cigüeña – Stork in Spanish
La cigüeña construye nidos grandes en lugares altos. (The stork builds large nests in high places.)

Cisne – Swan in Spanish
El cisne nada con elegancia en el lago. (The swan swims gracefully in the lake.)

Cobra – Cobra in Spanish
La cobra es una serpiente venenosa. (The cobra is a venomous snake.)

Cocodrilo – Crocodile in Spanish
El cocodrilo acecha en el agua. (The crocodile lurks in the water.)

Codorniz – Quail in Spanish
La codorniz es una ave pequeña con carne sabrosa. (The quail is a small bird with tasty meat.)

Colibrà – Hummingbird in Spanish
El colibrà revolotea alrededor de las flores. (The hummingbird flutters around the flowers.)

Comadreja – Weasel in Spanish
La comadreja es un depredador ágil. (The weasel is an agile predator.)

Cóndor – Condor in Spanish
El cóndor es una majestuosa ave rapaz. (The condor is a majestic bird of prey.)

Conejillo de Indias/Cobaya – Guinea pig in Spanish
El conejillo de Indias es una mascota popular. (The guinea pig is a popular pet.)

Conejo – Rabbit in Spanish
El conejo salta por el campo. (The rabbit hops through the field.)

Coyote – Coyote in Spanish
El coyote aúlla en la noche. (The coyote howls at night.)

Cucaracha – Cockroach in Spanish
La cucaracha es una plaga común en las ciudades. (The cockroach is a common pest in cities.)

Cuco – Cuckoo in Spanish
El cuco anuncia la llegada de la primavera con su canto. (The cuckoo announces the arrival of spring with its song.)

Cuervo – Crow/Raven in Spanish
El cuervo es un pájaro inteligente con plumaje negro. (The crow is an intelligent bird with black plumage.)