Here is a list of animals in Spanish starting with the letter B. After learning all the vocabulary, you can check your knowledge by trying the quiz here or at the end of the page!
Bacalao – Cod in Spanish
- El bacalao es un pez de aguas frÃas.
- Cod is a fish found in cold waters.

Bagre – Catfish in Spanish
- El bagre nada en aguas dulces.
- English: The catfish swims in freshwater.

Ballena – Whale in Spanish
- La ballena es el mamÃfero más grande del océano.
- English: The whale is the largest mammal in the ocean.

Barracuda – Barracuda in Spanish
- La barracuda es un depredador ágil en aguas tropicales.
- The barracuda is an agile predator in tropical waters.

Boa – Boa in Spanish
- La boa es una serpiente constrÃctora que vive en América.
- The boa is a constrictor snake that lives in America.

Buey – Ox in Spanish
- El buey es un animal de carga fuerte.
- The ox is a strong working animal.

Búfalo/Bisonte – Buffalo in Spanish
- El búfalo es un mamÃfero herbÃvoro de gran tamaño.
- The buffalo is a large herbivorous mammal.

Búho/Lechuza – Owl in Spanish
- El búho es un ave nocturna que caza de noche.
- The owl is a nocturnal bird that hunts at night.

Buitre – Vulture in Spanish
- El buitre se alimenta de carroña.
- The vulture feeds on carrion.

Burro/Asno – Donkey in Spanish
- El burro es un animal de carga utilizado en algunas zonas rurales.
- The donkey is a working animal used in some rural areas.

Animal names starting with B