Learning Classroom Objects and Vocabulary in Spanish
Are you excited to learn Spanish item names in the classroom? ¡Fantástico! Knowing the names of things in your classroom is a great first step. Not only will it help you understand your teacher’s instructions, but it will also make the classroom feel more familiar and fun. Let’s explore some common classroom objects in Spanish and expand our Spanish vocabulary!
¡En la Clase! (In the Classroom!)

El pizarrón (The blackboard) – In some countries, you might hear it called “la pizarra” (the slate board).

— La maestra escribe en el pizarrón. (The teacher writes on the blackboard.)
La pizarra blanca (The whiteboard)
—Las respuestas están escritas en la pizarra blanca. (The answers are written on the whiteboard.)
El marcador (The marker)
— Uso un marcador verde para escribir en la pizarra blanca. (I use a green marker to write on the whiteboard.)
El borrador (The eraser)
— Necesito el borrador para limpiar la pizarra. (I need the eraser to clean the board.)

La tiza (The chalk)

— La tiza blanca hace ruido al escribir en el pizarrón. (White chalk makes noise when writing on the blackboard.)
On Your Desk
El pupitre (The desk)
La silla (The chair)

— Mi libro de texto está en mi pupitre. (My textbook is on my desk.)
La mochila (The backpack)

— Llevo mis lápices en mi mochila. (I carry my pencils in my backpack.)
Los lápices (The pencils)

— Escribo con lápices de colores. (I write with colored pencils.)
Los crayones (The crayons)

— Coloreo un dibujo con crayones amarillos. (I color a picture with yellow crayons.)
Los marcadores (The markers)

— Los marcadores son para dibujar en papel. (Markers are for drawing on paper.)
Las tijeras (The scissors)

— ¡Ten cuidado con las tijeras! (Be careful with the scissors!)
El pegamento (The glue)
— Uso pegamento para pegar las fotos en mi cuaderno.
El cuaderno (The notebook)
—Tomo notas en mi cuaderno. (I take notes in my notebook.)
Las carpetas (The folders)
—Guardo mis papeles en carpetas azules. (I keep my papers in blue folders.)
El sacapuntas (The pencil sharpener)
—Necesito usar el sacapuntas porque mi lápiz no escribe. (I need to use the pencil sharpener because my pencil doesn’t write.)
La goma de borrar (The eraser)
—Borro mi error con la goma de borrar. (I erase my mistake with the eraser.)
¡Hora de Aprender! (Learning Time!)
El libro de texto (The textbook)

El diccionario (The dictionary)
El lápiz de color (The colored pencil)
La regla (The ruler)
¡Hora de Jugar! (Playtime!)
La pelota (The ball)
La cuerda para saltar (The jump rope)
Los bloques (The blocks)
Los rompecabezas (The puzzles) – Put your thinking cap on and solve these brain teasers in Spanish.
Beyond the Classroom!
Learning Spanish isn’t limited to the classroom! Here are some other school-related words that might come in handy:
La escuela (The school)
El maestro/la maestra (The teacher)
Los compañeros de clase (The classmates)
El recreo (The recess)
La biblioteca (The library)

El autobús escolar (The school bus)