What are the days of the week in Spanish?
We will learn the days of the week and some very common and useful expressions related to days and time in Spanish. After learning all the vocabulary you can check your knowledge by trying the quiz here or at the end of the page!
DÃas De La Semana
Monday | el lunes |
Tuesday | el martes |
Wednesday | el miércoles |
Thursday | el jueves |
Friday | el viernes |
Saturday | el sábado |
Sunday | el domingo |
Notes on the usage of the weekdays in Spanish:
- The days are not capitalized in Spanish unless they are at the beginning of a sentence.
- All days are masculine, so they should have masculine articles.
- When talking about the days in Spanish, the verb “ser” is used. Example: Hoy es sabado. – Today is Saturday.
- When we want to change the days of the week to their plural forms, only the article changes. We don’t add another -s to the end. Example:
- el lunes – los lunes
- el martes – los martes
- el miércoles – los miércoles
- el jueves – los jueves
- el viernes – los viernes
- el sábado – los sábados
- el domingo – los domingos
Useful words and expressions related to days and time in Spanish
Hoy | Today |
Mañana | Tomorrow |
Ayer | Yesterday |
Anteayer | The day before yesterday |
Semana | Week |
La próxima semana | Next week |
Dentro de 3 semanas. | In three weeks |
Mes | Month |
El próximo mes | Next month |
Dentro de dos meses. | In two months |
Año | Year |
Año próximo | Next year |
Año pasado | Last year |
En ocho dÃas. | In eight days |
Temprano | Early |
Pronto | Soon |
Tarde | Late |
A tiempo | On time |
Ya | Now |
Ya casi | Almost |
Ya mero | Almost |
Ahora | Now |
Ahorita | Now |
Days of the Week in Spanish