List of animal names in Spanish starting with A
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Abeja – Bee in Spanish
- La abeja zumba alrededor de las flores.
- The bee buzzes around the flowers.

Águila – Eagle in Spanish
- El águila vuela alto en el cielo.
- The eagle flies high in the sky.

Alce – Moose/Elk in Spanish
- El alce tiene cuernos grandes.
- The elk has large antlers.

Almeja – Clam in Spanish
- La almeja se entierra en la arena del mar.
- The clam buries itself in the sand of the sea.

Alondra – Lark in Spanish
- La alondra canta hermosamente en la mañana.
- The lark sings beautifully in the morning.

Alpaca – Alpaca in Spanish
- La alpaca produce lana suave.
- The alpaca produces soft wool.

Anchoa – Anchovy in Spanish
- La anchoa es un pequeño pez salado.
- The anchovy is a small, salty fish.

Anguila – Eel in Spanish
- La anguila nada ágilmente en el agua.
- The eel swims agilely in the water.

Antílope – Antelope in Spanish
- El antílope corre velozmente por la pradera.
- The antelope runs swiftly across the meadow.

Araña – Spider in Spanish
- La araña teje una telaraña en la esquina.
- The spider weaves a web in the corner.

Ardilla – Squirrel in Spanish
- La ardilla salta de rama en rama.
- The squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

Arenque – Herring in Spanish
- El arenque es un pez común en aguas frías.
- The herring is a common fish in cold waters.

Armadillo – Armadillo in Spanish
- El armadillo tiene un caparazón fuerte.
- The armadillo has a strong shell.

Atún – Tuna in Spanish
- El atún nada rápidamente en el océano.
- The tuna swims quickly in the ocean.

Avestruz – Ostrich in Spanish
- El avestruz corre velozmente en la llanura.
- The ostrich runs swiftly on the plain.

Avispa – Wasp in Spanish
- La avispa zumba alrededor del jardín.
- English: The wasp buzzes around the garden.

Animal names starting with A