Riddles can be a fun way to learn Spanish, as they require critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which can help you to remember new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Additionally, riddles often play with words and idiomatic expressions, allowing you to explore the nuances of the Spanish language. Here are some examples for you to guess:
Negra por dentro, negra por fuera, es mi corazón negra madera.
English: Black on the inside, black on the outside, my heart is black wood.
Una cajita chiquita, blanca como la cal: todos la saben abrir, nadie la sabe cerrar.
English: A little box, as white as plaster: everyone knows how to open it, no one knows how to close it.
Nacà con una pierna y tres ojos pero no puedo moverme, ¿qué soy?
English: I was born with one leg and three eyes but I can’t move, what am I?
Mientras más grande, menos se ve.
English: The bigger it gets, the less you can see.
Tengo cabeza redonda, sin nariz, ojos ni frente, y mi cuerpo se compone tan sólo de blancos dientes.
English: I have a round head, without nose, eyes, or forehead, and my body consists only of white teeth.
Nieto de su bisabuelo, padre de tus hermanos, de tus primos es el tÃo y de tus tÃos, hermano. ¿Quién soy?
English: “Grandson of their great-grandfather, father of your brothers. For your cousins, their uncle, and for your uncles, their brother. Who am I?