Free Online Spanish Courses – Spanish MOOCs

women with laptop studying online lessons

Best free online Spanish courses from top universities in 2022


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Massive open online Spanish courses from universities such as Universidad del Rosario, Universitat Politècnica de València and more, offering mostly Basic level Spanish lessons

OpenLearn – Open University

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Free online basic Spanish courses with a statement of participation on completion


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MOOCs from the University of California, Davis and Rice University offering specialization courses on basic Spanish vocabulary, communication in healthcare settings and more

Future Learn

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Survival Spanish for Beginners course from the Pontifical Bolivarian University

Tandem MooC

Intermediate and advanced speaking – conversation course which is an initiative from the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

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Introductory Spanish course consisting of 23 video sequences distributed in 20 chapters. The sequences show real communicative situations in different contexts so that you can gain a practical and useful understanding of the Spanish Language. The course is from The Distance University of Madrid ( UDIMA ).

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