Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish


Demonstrative adjectives, such as “este,” “ese,” and “aquel,” are essential tools for expressing the location and proximity of objects or people.

Understanding Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish:

Demonstrative adjectives serve the purpose of indicating the location of a particular object or person concerning both the speaker and the listener. The three primary demonstrative adjectives are “este,” “ese,” and “aquel.” :

Masculine SingularFeminine SingularMasculine PluralFeminine Plural
Close to SpeakerEsteEstaEstosEstas
Close to ListenerEseEsaEsosEsas
Far from BothAquelAquellaAquellosAquellas

Demonstrative Adjectives Chart

 Masculine Singular  Feminine Singular    Masculine Plural   Feminine Plural   
Close to Speaker   Este libro (This book)Esta silla (This chair)  Estos libros (These books)      Estas sillas     (These chairs)       
Close to Listener  Ese coche (That car)          Esa película (That movie)Esos coches (Those cars)Esas películas Those movies)
Far from Both      Aquel restaurante (That restaurant over there)Aquella montaña (That mountain over there)Aquellos restaurantes (Those restaurantes over there)Aquellas montañas (Those mountains over there)
Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives Chart –

Gender and Number Agreement in Spanish :

A fundamental rule in Spanish grammar is that adjectives must agree with the gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) of the noun they modify. Let’s explore how this agreement works with demonstrative adjectives.

Este (this):

LocationDemonstrative AdjectiveSingular Plural
Close to speakerEsteEste cuaderno (This notebook)Estos cuadernos (These notebooks)


  • Masculine: Este libro (This book) es interesante.
  • Feminine: Esta silla (This chair) es cómoda.


  • Masculine: Estos libros (These books) son interesantes.
  • Feminine: Estas sillas (These chairs) son cómodas.

Ese (that):

LocationDemonstrative AdjectiveSingular Plural
Close to listenerEseEsa silla (That chair)Esas sillas (Those chairs)


  • Masculine: Ese automóvil (That car) es rápido.
  • Feminine: Esa película (That movie) es emocionante.


  • Masculine: Esos automóviles (Those cars) son rápidos.
  • Feminine: Esas películas (Those movies) son emocionantes.

Aquel (that over there):

LocationDemonstrative AdjectiveSingular Plural
Far from bothAquelAquel restaurante (That restaurant over there)Aquellos restaurantes (Those restaurants over there)


  • Masculine: Aquel parque (That park over there) es sereno.
  • Feminine: Aquella montaña (That mountain over there) es majestuosa.


  • Masculine: Aquellos parques (Those parks over there) son serenos.
  • Feminine: Aquellas montañas (Those mountains over there) son majestuosas.

Tips for Application:

  • Here and Este: Associate “Este” with things close to “here” (you).
  • There and Ese: Connect “Ese” with pointing to something closer to the person “there” (you’re talking to).
  • Over there and Aquel: Visualize using “Aquel” for objects “over there” (far from both of you).